Citizen Kane reenactment at City Hall – Tossing the snow globe into the fire place pic.twitter.com/k8xdZKWJ6V

Culver City Hall. Photo by François Bar.
This location revolved around the Panoramic and Quotation Courtyard at City Hall. This installation was completed in 1995 with the opening of the new City Hall.
The opening of the new city hall coincides with a rejuvenation of Culver City in the early 1990s. Sony Pictures had recently established their studio in Culver after many of the classic studios, such as MGM and RKO had left by the 1970s. The 1990s in Culver also showed an increasing presence of the arts; which is reflected in the Courtyard and other public art works that the city commissioned.
The original city hall was built in 1928. Its bricks were used to construct the quotation walls in the courtyard and the new building has a 3/4 replica of the original’s columned entrance way.
Culver City still remains separate from Los Angeles. During the height of Prohibition, clubs were set up on the Eastern border of LA and Culver in order to strategically move their cash registers when either cities’ police decided to raid.
For more information on the history of Culver City: http://www.kcet.org/updaily/socal_focus/history/la-as-subject/culver-city-from-barley-fields-to-the-heart-of-screenland.html
For more information on City Hall: https://www.culvercity.org/Visitors/CulverCityHistory/CityHall.aspx
For more information on Culver City Public Arts: http://www.culvercity.org/Culture/PublicArt/artbyartist.aspx
Map of Culver City Public Art Walk: http://www.culvercity.org/Culture/~/media/Files/Culture/PublicArt_WalkingTour_Downtown%20pdf.ashx
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